Student support ServiceOur dedicated teachers always stressed on regular teaching-learning programmes. However, we are also dedicated to provide various support systems to help new students to adjust with the environment of the college. The College has an I-Library where free WiFi system has been provided for the students to search online study materials. Smart Class facility is also available for the students. The College has active NSS(National Service Scheme) unit under Programme Officer Dr Purnima Mukherjee, Head, Department of Sanskrit. The NSS unit regularly organizes activities in collaboration with the college Students to generate social, ethical and moral awareness among the students. Apart from this, there is a special scheme launched by Govt.of WB to help students financially for smooth completion of their studies. Name of the scheme is West Bengal Students Credit Card. Contact persons : Shri Koushik Shaw-9674360827, Shri Adhir Roy- 9732540454. For details : View. Various Funds to cater the needs of our students:
There are various Cells to help the students: