SC/ST/OBC CELL (Equal Opportunity Cell): UGC Guidelines regarding EOC : ViewThe Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) of DRBRASM was set up in 2019 as per the ‘Guidelines for scheme of Equal Opportunity Centre for Colleges XII plan (2012-2017)’ of the UGC. This cell works towards prevention of discrimination in the College. Discrimination in any form is in violation of the basic principles of Human Rights and even Constitutional values and obligations. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) proclaims that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. Consequently the EOC at DRBRASM tries to ensure that students, faculties and all other stakeholders of the College belonging to diverse backgrounds are not deprived of their basic opportunities and rights. The objective of the EOC is to promote inclusivity based on equality and to eliminate any form of discrimination among any section. The cell provides effective guidance regarding academic, social, financial and other matters. If there are any grievances relating to any form of discrimination or harassment regarding the weaker sections of the society, they are addressed promptly and adequately. Principal is ex-officio Chairman of this cell.